Sunday, 22 February 2015

An Indian festival (The Diwali) | Diwali Essay | Festival of Lights | Essay on Diwali

An Indian festival (The Diwali) or Diwali Essay or Festival of Lights :- India is a land of fairs and festivals. Diwali is the grandest festival of the hindus. The word ‘Diwali’ is the contraction of the Sanskrit word Deepawali, means rows of lights. In fact it is a feast of lanterns and a display of crackers. The Hindus have a large numbers of festivals, but it is the most pleasant and pleasure  giving of them all.
It is held in the last days of October or in the beginning of November. The approach of the festival is anxiously looked forward to by every class of people. The famished labours, the over worked teachers , the care worn clerks, the pleasure seeking cinema lovers , the joy intoxicated children, all eagerly long for the holidays . loving mothers, affectionate brothers and sisters and beloved wives all await the arrival of their dear ones at home.

An Indian festival (The Diwali) | Diwali Essay | Festival of Lights | Essay on Diwali

 An Indian festival (The Diwali) | Diwali Essay | Festival of Lights | Essay on Diwali

Shops  and bazaars are tastefully decorated and illuminated . in big cities like Delhi and Chandigarh some shops and companies put up a grand show just for the sake of advertisement. Confectioner shops are specially decorated to attract customers. All houses and streets are thoroughly cleaned and decorated. At night they are lit up with laks of dias or small earthen lamps,  candles and electric bulbs. The nights looks as bright as day . the happy people move in crowds, admiring the illuminations .

People put on their best clothes and make purchase in the bazaars. The articles chiefly in demand on this day are toys, dolls, sweets, utensils and crackers. Of late the crackers and other fireworks has increased. The streets of town and villages are loud with their explosions. At  night fireworks are let off.

An Indian festival (The Diwali) | Diwali Essay | Festival of Lights | Essay on Diwali

 An Indian festival (The Diwali) | Diwali Essay | Festival of Lights | Essay on Diwali

Its important from religious point of view is also great. One this day lakshmi, the goddess of wealth ,is worshipped. It marks the beginning of business year. On this day hindu shopkeepers and traders close their accounts for the new year.  In different part of India it is celebrated in different ways . in Punjab it is celebrated  in the day while in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan it lasts for four days . it is more enthusiastically observed by our country people than the Bengalis. Still it is a universal festival.

There are special radios and TV  programs for the entertainment of public. Newspapers bring out special issues.

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